Schritt für Schritt

Daß gerade Großbrittanien seinen säkularen Weg immer mehr auch gegen religiöse (und insbesondere christliche) Identitätsäußerung fortsetzt, wundert mich nicht.
Der noch recht neue Streit um das Tragen eines kleinen Kreuzes (das Verbot wird natürlich von British Airways bestritten) ist dabei nur eine Episode von vielen. Was in the UK noch so abgeht, wurde hier von jemand anderem (allerdings auf der Muttersprache der Insel) erläutert:

[…] This is not really a free country at all in respect of what we can and cannot wear. Virgin and BMI have similar rules about jewellery to BA. Even the BBC newsreader Fiona Bruce removed her cross after a debate at the top levels of the corporation over whether it would offend other religions. It can surely only be a matter of months before we see a newsreader in burqa and niqab. Meanwhile, a 14-yr-old schoolgirl in Manchester was arrested and carted off to police cells on suspicion of racism after she was put with a group of fellow pupils who didn’t speak English for a “discussion” project. Her “crime” was to ask her teacher if she could be moved to another table where she could understand what was going on. […]

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