Wenn es weh tut

Nein, es gibt für diesen Beitrag keinen aktuellen Anlaß. Aber es mag ja sein, daß es der eine oder andere mal erfährt: man bemüht sich, die Schönheit des wahren katholischen Glaubens mitzuteilen und es geht so ziemlich alles schief, was schiefgehen kann und/oder man wird nur verlacht oder schlimmeres.

Dann tut es gut, so einen Artikel zu lesen

Catholicism is ultimately not about you. It’s about the supreme glory of the most adorable Trinity.

Do not defend yourself. Be insulted, be diagnosed, and be grateful that you have been slandered for the sake of Christ. This is much easier said than done. But how will God paint something beautiful if you will not let him press you against the canvas of others? God is the artist; we are the paintbrushes. It’s our job to get dirty, to be spread thin, flattened, crunched, and pressed against the world. You are going to be broken—but the truth remains unbroken.

You must pray. Get into apologetics, hermeneutics, and church history, but not until you get on your knees. “Rejoice in hope, patient in tribulation, constant in prayer” (Rom. 12:12). Seek opportunities to share the Catholic faith in word and deed. But most of all, seek opportunities to pray. “Devote yourselves to prayer, watchful and thankful” (Col. 4:2). More often than not, you are not battling ignorance and indifference but the giants of pride and passion.

Be humble and confident. Be Biblical and Catholic. Be brokenhearted and tenderhearted. Above all, be in love (John 13:35).

Ein Kommentar zu “ Wenn es weh tut”

  1. Karina meint:

    Die Webseite von Karina

    Sehr schön. Danke.

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