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Freie Rede?

Man darf dort ungestraft Nazi-Materialien produzieren und verbreiten, die Scientologen gelten dort als “Kirche”, und das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung gilt dort so viel, daß man auch Beleidigungen gegen Staatsdiener (bspw. Polizisten) viel eher äußern darf als hierzulande.

All das ist okay.

Solange nicht Religion ins Spiel kommt, im “the Land of the free” (natürlich den Vereinigten Staaten).

Aber irgendwie hält sich die junge Generation nicht so daran. Denn diese Dame

und dieser Herr

haben einfach von Gott erzählt.

Brittany McComb wurde einfach das Mikrofon abgeschaltet, als sie eben nicht nur ihren Eltern zum HighSchool Abschluß dankte, sondern auch dem Wichtigsten in ihrem Leben, Jesus Christus.

Ben Kesslers Tat war noch viel schlimmer: er hielt als von Mitstudenten gewählter Vertreter die Abschlußrede des Katholischen (sic!) St. Thomas Colleges und wagte es, hier kann man die Rede mit freundlichen Kommentaren des Filmers sehen und hören, auf der Abschlußveranstaltung eines Katholischen Colleges auch noch katholische Lehre zu verbreiten.

So was aber auch!

Also, muß eine Entschuldigung her, und Ben tat dies auch (auf Druck der College-Leitung).

Freie Rede eben.

(Lustigerweise distanziert sich ein Blogger gleichen Namens auf recht nette Art und Weise von ihm und bittet, von weiterer Hate mail verschont zu werden…)

Ein Kommentar zu “ Freie Rede?”

  1. Jack meint:

    Die Webseite von Jack

    I believe that part of the problem is legal in any educational context. Graduation speakers who are valedictorians are considered to be spokesmen for the institution, and not merely for themselves. The decision was probably technically correct in the case of the public school, because the girl was endorsing a religion acting as an arm of the state government; public schools are understood as agents of the states. However, maybe, common sense could have “let it slide.”
    In the case of the university, I don’t know what the legal issue would be, because even public universities have more freedom to teach about religion than public elementary and secondary schools; the legal Supreme Court opinion is that the older students are not as liable to manipulation–go figure! But educational administrators are really, really, scared to death of long, drawn-out court cases and the legal fees they run up–not to mention the threat of civil lawsuits.
    In both cases, problems could have been avoided if more of our vaunted common sense would have been used on all sides.
    The whole complex of the relationships between the state, schools and religion is very strange and rather constantly shifting, depending of court decisions; and decisions are not only taken at Supreme Court level, but in appeals courts, state courts, and even local courts. Complicating things is the fact that each state has a constitution and can have its own rules governing the relationships between the state, its schools and its churches. For instance, in New York State, school districts are allowed to provide transportation and release time for public school students to get religious instruction; that is expressly forbidden in Missouri in the constitution. The religious and political situations here are so pluralistic and so litigious (we really like to sue each other) that it makes any educator scared to death to even do the slightest thing that might offend someone. It is sort of a shame that the situation is so, but it is.
    Around here, in my experience, public schools do try to accommodate the religious views and needs of students if the law allows.
    The good old First Amendment has its ups and downs for believers here. Generally though, the ups win out, I think. : Here is an interesting article by an evangelical on the relationship between faith and the political realm.
    Sorry for such a long post. Jack

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