
Dies Domini.

Here’s something for liberals to consider in that vein… It’s a sacramental church. Popes and cardinals and bishops say Mass. They dispense sacraments. They notice who shows up looking for them. To them, that’s the pulse of where the Church lives… The laity in Germany and France and Austria and other European countries who are so upset about this SSPX decision need to consider this:

If they had been showing up to Mass every week, this ridiculous overture to the SSPX would have never taken place.

The SSPX would have been forgotten long, long ago, except that for all of their other faults, they show up at Mass every week, if not daily. I’ve read that there are as many SSPX seminarians in France as there are diocesan seminarians. You almost can’t blame the curia for wondering who the “committed Catholics” are under such circumstances.


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